Aug 4, 2010

What the fuck are these things?

: : :

you may be asking yourself if you (if anybody) reads this blog regularly you (sorry I gotta keep up this charade, 'you') probably see these things a lot, and might be wondering, What the fuck are these things?

I posted a while ago something about this guy but I don't think it really answers anything. Okay, I've got some defining to do:

--- I use this guy to separate poems that are in sets, I tried to explain sets here, I didn't call them sets before, but now I am. they're called sets now. okay?????
alright, and when you see this guy --- paired above : : : this guy, it marks the end of the set

: : : this means 'by' but also can mark the end of a poem or set (when paired with ---) It's my way of saying that the poem has ended, but that on some larger philosophical (or fartistical, depends on your preference) notion.

UM my name and the name of this blog. Never explained it here and only rambled about it to friends who should remind me that I AM TRYING TO MAKE SENSE, because most of the time I don't give them much reason to think that I AM TRYING VERY HARD. Okay, UM. UM is a pause after an end and before a beginning when someone is talking. It's what involuntarily happens when someone is TRYING TO MAKE SENSE. And I am UM so I am that middle ground after an end and before a beginning, and I AM TRYING TO MAKE SENSE. Now, the real question, What the fuck does that mean? ummmmmmm.....

ATIB an acronym which first appeared in this poem for some reason it stands for

Accidents reveal
Truth in sequence
In their awe we all
Breath with purpose

I like to put ATIB as another signature because ATIB reminds me of getting hit by cars on my bike...more on that a little later.

I hope this has answered the question I said you asked, keeping up with this whole charade.
: : :

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